
Lot 10 Laceys Creek Road, Laceys Creek QLD 4521

2.07 ha


Lot 10 Laceys Creek Road, Laceys Creek QLD 4521

2.07 ha

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Horses By The Creek

Located just 5 minutes from town this 5 acre block is the perfect mix of city lifestyle with country living. Bordering Lacey's Creek there is a great balance of open grassed creek flats, elevation and some lovely mature shade tree's. The block provides a great house site with a nearly level 1.5 acre open grassed area, elevated and has a perfect North East aspect.

Call ME now to inspect.

The land:-
. Lot 10 on S312322
. 2.065ha
. bitumen road access
. partially fenced
. frontage to Lacey's Creek


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