
Lot 3 Freds Road, Mount Pleasant QLD 4521

25.07 ha


Lot 3 Freds Road, Mount Pleasant QLD 4521

25.07 ha

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Dreaming of Your Perfect Escape

** PLEASE NOTE: Access for this property is via Mount Mee Rd, Ocean View and then Freds Rd, Ocean View **

Build your dream home on this elevated block to soak up the breathtaking and panoramic views all the way from Mount Pleasant to the distant Brisbane CBD. Treat yourself with a total escape from the hustle and bustle of city living while exploring your own private 62 acres of subtropical forest. An absolute paradise for birdwatchers and nature lovers with unique fauna and flora. Imagine waking up in the treetops surrounded by birdsong, views and nature. All this within an hour’s drive of Brisbane. This unique block has been proudly preserved as a remnant forest by a pioneering dairying family for one hundred years. Rare opportunity to have something like this on the market. This property offers something very special that must be viewed to appreciate the magic. Call ME now to inspect.

The Property Details
25.066ha (approx. 62 acres)
Preserved Subtropical forest
Stunning views of Brisbane, the D’Aguilar range and the Mount Pleasant and Dayboro Valley


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