
22 Highcrest Street, Ocean View QLD 4521

2.07 ha


22 Highcrest Street, Ocean View QLD 4521

2.07 ha

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5 acres with a North East facing elevated building site

Give yourself a head start with a lot of the hard and expensive work already done. The large building envelope has already been cleared, so bring your house plans & commence building your dream home. Some features of this superb block include:-

. spring fed dam
. a rainforest area with abundant wildlife
. established thriving orchard due to the rich volcanic soil
. bitumen & gravel driveway
. colourbond shed 6 x 9m enclosed with 6 x 6m awning
. 30,000 litre rainwater tanks

Located just 15 minutes from Dayboro, Ocean View is serviced by the school bus and you can enjoy an a-lar-cate meal just around the corner at Ocean View Winery & Estates. Don't delay call ME now to inspect!


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