
4 Mansfield Street, Strathpine QLD 4500

3 Bed

1 Bath

2 Car

612 m²


4 Mansfield Street, Strathpine QLD 4500

3 Bed

1 Bath

2 Car

612 m²

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Excellent First Home or Investment

Don't miss this chance to secure a 3 bedroom highset home at this price.
The home has been rented for many years, but would also make an excellent family home to call your own. With timber floors throughout and a front verandah off the living room, this is an excellent home.
The back yard is level and fully fenced.

Call Me now to inspect.

The Property:
- Lot 604 RP114131
- 612m2
- 3 bedrooms
- 2 car garage
- Timber Floors


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